Saturday, June 14, 2008

Warm Up Lesson for Computer Programming

Programming is a very challenging and simple task but it is easier if you prepare yourself by learning its logic and environment. Part of the preparation is to study flowcharting and algorithm.


Flowcharting in computer programming is a diagram that shows the sequence of actions representing the logical flow of operations in a process. It is the step-by-step progression through a procedure using connecting lines and a set of conventional symbols. It is also considered as the blueprint of the program and a schematic representation of an algorithm or a process.

Algorithm in computer programming is a finite set of instructions that shows the logical sequence of steps to be carried out in order to solve a specific problem, often written out as a flow chart that can be translated into a computer program.


TERMINAL – marks the beginning and end of flowchart.

PREPARATION/INITIALIZATION – used to prepare data or select initial conditions.

INPUT/OUTPUT – display input (data read into computer memory by an input device) and output (data passed from computer memory by an output device)

PROCESSING – carry out any calculations that are to be done

DECISION – used when decisions are to be made by using alternatives execution

ON-PAGE CONNECTOR – used to connect one part of a flowchart to another within the page and it also shows the entry or exit point of the flowchart.

OFF-PAGE CONNECTOR – used to connect one part of a flowchart from one page to another page.

ARROW LINE - shows the process that is to be executed next


1. SEQUENCE – a control structure wherein the course of action is executed in a straightforward manner – See examples below:

2. SELECTION (IF-THEN-ELSE) – a control structure wherein the course of action has a choice between two alternatives - See example below:

3. REPETITION (LOOPING) – a control structure wherein the course of action has a repetitive execution of an operation as long as the condition is true, otherwise, control flows out of the structure. Also known as DO-WHILE structure.

EXAMPLE: Construct a flowchart that will count from 1 to 10 and print each number counted using the do-while repetition structure. Use A as variable for the number to be counted. Write its equivalent algorithm.




+ addition

- subtraction

* multiplication

/ division


= equal

> greater than

< less than

< > not equal

> greater than or equal to

< less than or equal to


&& AND

|| OR



Applying the lessons you have learned in this site, do the following exercises:

1. Construct a flowchart that will convert an inputted number in Fahrenheit to its equivalent measure in Celsius. Use variable C for Celsius and F for Fahrenheit then Celsius for the output. Write its equivalent algorithm. (Clues: Formula: C=(5/9) x (F-32); use sequence control structure)

2. CBC Manufacturing Company plans to give a year-end bonus to each of its employee. Draw a flowchart which will compute the bonus of an employee. Consider the following conditions: If the employee’s monthly salary is less than 5,000 pesos, the bonus is 75% of the salary; for employees with salaries greater than 5, 000 pesos, the bonus is 2,500 pesos. Print the name and the corresponding bonus for each employee. Use variable B for bonus, S for salary, and N for name. Write each equivalent algorithm. (Clue: use selection control structure)

3. The initial value of the radius of a circle is equal to 1 unit and each succeeding radius is 1 unit greater than the value before it. Draw a flowchart to compute the Area of a circle starting with R = 1 up to R = 10, then print each radius and the corresponding area of a circle. Use variable R for radius and A for the area of the circle. Write the algorithm. (Clue: use repetition control structure)

NOTE: If you are not sure of your answer or if you have any question about the topic feel free to email me. Please check my profile for contact details.

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